Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Winner Change the World

This I believe: All things have to be created twice. First is in your thought. Second is in reality. First-level creation is easy, just use your brain and experience. Second-level creation is much more difficult. It requires your brain, energy, maturity, persistence, brave, and consistency.

Those who good at first level creation are loosers. They talk a lot, aloud, but they did not change the reality. They does not change the world. Those who convert their thoughts into reality are winner. They face obstacles, getting others' commitment, and make a better world.

Winner does not blame the situation, nor people, nor limitations. Winner look for narrow and difficult obstacles and name it an opportunity. They persistently put their thought into reality. They patiently understand the limitation and try to identify the work-around. They look for similarity among different perspectives and utilize it smartly.

Winner change the world. Point.

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